Yesterday was the 4 week anniversary of my leaving work so I thought I would commemorate the occasion with a list (of course!)

10 things I really love about our life in New Zealand

  1. Walking along the beach in the morning collecting kindling for our fire
  2. Finally having time to make my own iced tea and muesli and cakes and cookies
  3. Being able to spend so much time with my hubby
  4. Our incredible view
  5. Sleeping in,
  6. The masses of people here who have dreadlocks.. In Miranda I think I was the only one!
  7. The happy vibe in Queenstown – almost everyone is on holidays!
  8. The fact that I live in a town that doesn’t have infrastructure for town water, but has high speed internet
  9. Having all the time in the world to finally read all those books I’ve been buying
  10. Having the freedom to finally figure out what I am passionate about instead of working 9 – 5 in an uninspiring job

Cheers to freedom and beauty and relaxation!