April 2013

The 2013 list:

Start Date March 9, 2013

1. Catch the Ferry
2. Get my L’s
3. Buy a new Mac
4. Hit my 10K Glinda Goal
5. See Before Midnight at the cinema
6. Cook dinner for Luke 5 times
7. Take J to a theme park
8. Go overseas
9. Read 25 books
10. Release 5 bookcrossing books
11. Send 20 letters to friends (3/20)
12. Do yoga
13. Go on an impromptu road-trip
14. Watch 25 movies I’ve never seen before
15. Try to leave J overnight
16. Listen to every song in my iTunes library
17. Find 20 geocaches
18. Organise Noosa to Byron road trip
19. Get a community garden plot
20. Make a new friend
21. Organise a tiny forest event
22. Take J to see the dinosaurs
23. Watch 20 new TED talks (3/20)
24. Get some beauty redefined stickers
25. Take a project unbreakable photo
26. Put up 20 operation beautiful post its
27. Send in a Postsecret postcard
28. Blog weekly for 8 weeks
29. Go camping
30. Drink only water for 1 week
31. Watch a sunrise on the beach
32. Finish designing the NGF website
33. Write 10 reviews for Sam
34. Go op-shopping
35. Swimming lessons for J
36. Survive toilet training
37. Have a conversation with someone in sign language
38. Go to Perth
39. Have lunch with Elena
40. Teach J to ride a bike
41. Get some coordinates accessories made
42. Buy a picnic rug
43. Find J a best buddy
44. Go on a picnic
45. Watch 5 friends “top 5 movies”
46. Read 5 friends favourite book
47. Eat 25 meals outside (2/25)
48. Go foraging with Luke
49. Sign 10 new clients (6/10)
50. Write at least 50,000 words of my novel
51. Get 5 massages
52. Participate in book mooch
53. Get a ‘signature scent’
54. Have a BBQ by the river
55. Live in a house for longer than 12 months
56. Call Rachel
57. Call Amy
58. Call Elena
59. Find a TV series to watch with Luke
60. Write a will
61. Get a toy created from a J picture
62. Take stuff to Vinnies
63. Inspire someone to write a 101/1001 list
64. Update FF 5 times
65. Buy a picnic basket/set
66. Go swimming
67. Win a competition
68. Write a letter to myself 1 year in the future
69. Send email to J
70. Write in the ‘Dear Luke’ book twice
71. Send a message in a bottle
72. Send out a travelling teddy/toy
73. Take J on a train
74. Take J on a boat
75. Take J on a bus
76. Send Kylie a J artwork
77. Get a creative writing contract
78. Get an editing contract
79. Write an ebook for a client
80. Celebrate my business anniversary with cake
81. Give Luke a massage
82. Make flash cards for J
83. Make a virtual puppet show for J
84. Build a blanket fort
85. Try transitioning J into her own bed
86. Dance with Luke
87. Have a Facebook free week
88. Have a technology free 24 hours
89. Go to a festival
90. Paint a picture
91. Write a poem
92. Tweet every day for a month
93. Sleep for 5 hours (if this happens by the end of 1001 days I will cry with happiness!)
94. Keep a minimum of $1000 in our acct for 6 mths
95. Celebrate our anniversary
96. Exchange love letters with Luke
97. J’s first hair cut
98. Put together a photo book for J
99. Let Luke sleep in
100. Have breakfast in bed
101. Write another 101/1001 list

End date: January 5th 2016


Long time followers of this blog will remember that early in 2009 I began my first Day Zero Project. 101 things to do in 1001 days. The list was ambitious and included a lot of adventurous pursuits. It didn’t quite get completed as I had hoped, I only managed to complete 48 of the 101 things (and partially complete about 20 more), but a tough pregnancy and the arrival of our daughter shifted my focus away from the list and day zero came and went without my even realising it.

This new list has been written with my new time/freedom limitations in mind and as a result is much less ambitious than the last, but hopefully that means I will have a higher success rate, even while raising a spirited 2 year old and running a business and working (from home) 50 hours a week – with a husband who also works about 60 hours a week away from home. Time and sleep are both a huge luxury here but hopefully take two of the Day Zero Project will be a success!

A big thank you to Nate for inspiring me to give it a go. If I remember correctly I think I was partial inspiration for her first Day Zero Project list, so it’s a reciprocal inspiration circle, which is quite cool.

I was going to post the list now, but I compiled it on my phone which is currently doing a software backup, so I’ll have to come back and post it later.