Number 66 on my day zero list is “Participate in a photo scavenger hunt” and while searching online for a suitable web challenge, I came across Turns out, it’s exactly the kind of thing I’ve been looking for. Some of you will know that I’ve quite recently bought myself a little beauty of a camera and I haven’t the slightest idea how to use it property yet. I’m hoping that participating in the challenges will help me learn how to use the camera better. Anyway without any further ado, here is this month’s challenge:

Q&A : The Photographic Interview is running during September 2009

To play, take 1 photograph as your answer to each of the questions below. The aim is to get to know you better, through your photographs :)

Upload to your blog, flickr account or anywhere else on the net, then come back and share your photographic interview.

1. What is the first thing you see in the morning?
2. The biggest thing to happen to you recently/soon?
3. Your best mirror shot
4. The person that you see the most in a week
5. Your favourite shoes
6. Your favourite meal
7. The colour of your eyes
8. Your favourite place to be on a Friday night

I’m off to brainstorm. Anyone else in?

So hubby has headed off for a job interview and I’m camped out in our giant bean bag in the loungeroom listening to my favourite songs and waiting for Ben to come online so we can chat.

The job thing is a bit tricky, he is looking for a kind of in between job, next week is the last week at his current job which he quit and gave notice for before we decided that we were going to move to New Zealand, so now he needs to find a job for the time before we move which – once we come back from our holiday – is only going to be 6 or so weeks.

The holiday was also something we planned before we decided to move, but I’m excited about it none the less, we’re flying over to NZ for 10 days. It will be the first time we will see the house we’ve rented in person, which is exciting, and also a little terrifying considering we have signed a 12 month lease and paid a bunch of money for a house we have only seen pictures of. We’ll also get the chance to see some of the sites we didn’t get a chance to see last time we were on the South Island in January. I’m really hoping that we have a great time. We have only been to New Zealand once before and the decision to pack up our lives and move there was a pretty spontaneous one so hopefully the Queenstown area is as beautiful as we remember.

Anyway, instead of sitting here in our giant beanbag and waiting for Ben to come online so we can chat I should really be cleaning our house so that the removalist company to come in and do a survey and give us a quote for the move.. so maybe I’ll go ahead and do that.. before I sign off though, some photos of our NZ house which we’ll be seeing in person in about 10 days: